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번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
30 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/21.불쏘시개가 되라!(Be the Kindling Fire!) bethel 2017.09.26 60
» 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 치유 간증들3(Testimonies of Healing3) bethel 2017.09.23 51
28 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 정바울 목사/일어나 걸어라!(Pastor Chung/Stand up and Walk!) bethel 2017.09.23 40
27 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 치유 간증들2(Testimonies of Healing2) bethel 2017.09.23 30
26 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/20.도피성("The cities of Refuge") bethel 2017.09.23 42
25 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/19.수보 하는 자(The Repairer) bethel 2017.09.22 38
24 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st Mike and Marilee Kier/ Personal testimony bethel 2017.09.22 46
23 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/18.씨뿌리는 비유(The Parable of the Sower) bethel 2017.09.22 27
22 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/17.세천사의 기별은 무엇인가?(What is Three Angels' Message?) bethel 2017.09.22 36
21 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/16.치유간증(The Testimony of Healing) bethel 2017.09.21 26
20 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st Mike Kier/ God's Love bethel 2017.09.21 17
19 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/15.세째천사의 기별2(The Third Angels' Message2) bethel 2017.09.21 43
18 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st Harvey Steck/ The Maker Heals Body, Mind and Soul bethel 2017.09.21 31
17 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/14.세째천사의 기별1(The Third Angels' Message1) bethel 2017.09.21 40
16 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/13.채식과 건강식의 차이(Vegetarian diet or Healthy diet) bethel 2017.09.20 24
15 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/12.건강기관의 목적(The Purpose of Health Institutions) bethel 2017.09.20 42
14 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/11.건강기관의 필요성(The Need of Health Institutions) bethel 2017.09.20 29
13 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/10.태국MHPC요양원 소개(Thailand's MHPM Sanitarium Intro) bethel 2017.09.19 52
12 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/9.하나님을 알기까지2(Until I know Jesus2) bethel 2017.09.19 40
11 2017.09.MHPC,Thailand "The Maker Heals" Seminar .1st 최차순 원장/8.하나님을 알기까지1(Untill I know Jesus 1) bethel 2017.09.19 32
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