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2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1
2018.02.08 08:40

영적 친교 경험담 (Spiritual Fellowship Groups)-서미숙 집사(Deaconness Misook Seo)

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영적 친교 경험담 (Spiritual Fellowship Groups)-서미숙 집사(Deaconness Misook Seo)

List of Articles
번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
28 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 22.헌신예배(Dedication Worship)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.15 9
27 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 21.순종(Obedience)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.10 34
26 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 목회자 간증1(Pastors' Testimonies1) bethel 2018.02.10 16
25 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 20.세천사의 기별 요약(An Overview of the Three Angels' Messages)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.10 20
24 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 19.건강 기관(Health Institution)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.10 14
23 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 18.회개2(Repentance2)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.09 7
22 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 17.회개1(Repentance1)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.09 13
21 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 역사의 교훈 (Lessons from Our Past)-마이크 선교사(Missionary Mike) bethel 2018.02.09 12
20 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 16.세천사의 기별2(Three Angels' Message2)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.08 15
19 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 15.세천사의 기별1(Three Angels' Message1)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.08 23
» 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 영적 친교 경험담 (Spiritual Fellowship Groups)-서미숙 집사(Deaconness Misook Seo) bethel 2018.02.08 16
17 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 14.스트레스 안 받는 법2(Stress Prevention2)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.07 23
16 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 13.스트레스 안받는 법1(Stress Prevention1)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.07 20
15 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 12. 음식은 왜 먹는가?(Why Do We Eat Food?)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.07 11
14 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 11.태국 의료선교(Medical Missionary Work in Thailand)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.06 12
13 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 10.하나님의 처방(God's Prescription)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.06 19
12 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 9.가정요양원(Home-Based Healing Ministry)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.06 14
11 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 8.참 교육2(True Education)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.06 6
10 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 7.참 교육1(True Education 1)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.05 11
9 2018.02.TAM,Thailand Pastors’ Medical Missionary Seminer 1 6.병(Sickness)-최차순 원장(Director Choi) bethel 2018.02.05 15
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