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Bibble Bridge - Adventist Movement

불쏘시개 영적친교(글)

2014.07.12 06:35

"Thou canst make me clean"

"Thou canst make me clean"

Of all the diseases known in the East the leprosy was most
Dreaded. Its incurable and contagious character, and its
Horrible effect upon its victims, filled the bravest with fear.
Among the Jews it was regarded as a judgement on account
Of sin, and hence was called "the stroke," "the finger of God."
Deep rooted, ineradicable, deadly, it was looked upon as a
Symbol of sin.

In the region of Christ's ministry were many of these sufferers,
And as the news of His work reached them, there is one in
Whose heart faith begins to spring up.
If he could go to Jesus he might be healed.

He thinks of all that has been told him of Jesus.
Not one who has sought His help has been turned away.
The wretched man determines to find the Saviour.

Standing afar off, the leper catches a few words from the
Saviour's lips He sees Him laying His hands upon the sick.
He sees the lame, the blind, the paralytic, and those dying
Of various maladies rise up in health, praising God for
Deliverance. His faith strengthens. Nearer and yet nearer he
Approaches to the listening throng. The restrictions laid upon
Him, the safety of the people, the fear with which all men
Regard him, are alike forgotten. He thinks only of the blessed
Hope of healing.

Pressing to Jesus, casts himself at His feet with the cry,
"Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean."
Jesus relies, "I will; be thou clean,"
And lays His hand upon him. Matthew 8:2,3.

Immediately an change passes over the leper.
His blood becomes healthy, the nerves sensitive, the muscles firm.
The unnaturally white, scaly surface peculiar to leprosy disappears;
And his flesh becomes as the flesh of a little child.

Thus it is with the leprosy of sin- deep-rooted, deadly, impossible
To be cleansed by human power.
"The whole is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the
Foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds,
And bruises, and putrefying sores." Isaiah 1:5,6.

But Jesus, coming to dwell in humanity, receives no pollution.
His presence was healing virtue for the sinner.
Whoever will fall at His feet, saying in faith,
"Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean,"
Shall hear the answer, "I will; be thou clean."

Jesus looked upon the distressed and heart-burdened,
Those whose hopes were blighted, and who with earthly
Joys were seeking to quite the longing of the soul,
And He invited all to find rest in Him.

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